Around the Local

Attached is a copy of the 2021 National Electrical Benefit Fund (NEBF) Summary Plan Description (SPD).  Federal law requires that the NEBF send a new SPD every five years to all participants in the Plan.  In meeting this requirement, the SPD will be sent to all participants over the next few weeks.


Building America Back Better

Your support is needed to help re-elect Justin Elicker for Mayor of New Haven!

We invite all members and apprentices to join Local 90 at tomorrow's Press Conference

Wednesday, July 21st at 10:30 AM 

New Haven, CT located on the corner of South Orange Street and Route 34 (just East of the Knights of Columbus Building)


Please wear your union colors and hard hats!

The Local 90 Riding Club will be participating in the following motorcyle events:

1. 2021 Run for Brotherhood

July 16th and 17th

Meet at Electric City Harley Davidson, Scranton, PA 18508

Kickstands up each day at 10:30 am

Scenic Rides through the beautiful countryside


News Brief: Business Development Edition 7


The State of Connecticut, Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) has one (1) current job opportunity for a Consumer Protection Inspector (Occupational Trades) in the Investigations Division.

Action Alert!

Protect the Climate. Work for Justice.


Encourage Your Legislators to Vote in Favor of the Climate and Community Investment Act!

Click on the link below to see a short video of President Biden discussing his American Jobs Plan

Re: IBEW Founders’ Scholarship

Dear Sisters and Brothers:


As we put the year 2020 in the rearview mirror let’s reflect on the strength and resolve our members have shown by upholding the Code of Excellence by continuing to deliver quality work in extraordinary conditions.  This year has not been easy, but as we all know the brotherhood of the IBEW only grows stronger when the going gets tough.  We are a proud union, and we will continue to rise to the occasion.

Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will be cancelling our Local 90 Children's Christmas Party this year for the health and safety of all parties.

Happy Holidays and hope to see everyone next year!

We are encouraging all members to call the office for any kind of union business until further notice.

(203) 265-9533

Chelsea ext 4      John ext 5      Sean ext 6     Bill ext 7

To reach the JATC for CEU classes or Apprentice Info: Paul or Karen ext 2

Zenith American Solutions (formerly Insurance Programmers) ext 3
